Friday, December 16, 2011

Friends Don't Fight

I want to keep friends close because
life is just too short and precious
for hate to coexist with me.
Everyone takes U-turns, so talking behind someone’s back is the least constructive way of saying something mean right in his face.  There was one time in my life, a few years ago, that I got into a big argument with one of my best friends.  The only thing that kept the fight going was the fact that we talked about each other to other people because each of us didn’t like something about the other.  It went on for weeks, our arguing.  Somehow, neither of us wanted to make up or admit we were wrong.  If we had only gone up to one another and just stated what we had on our minds instead of spreading it to the world, humiliating the other, all would have been well between us.  We could have worked everything out, fixed our problems, and remained friends rather than what really happened.  She and I are really good friends now, and I wouldn’t change that for the world.
From this little seventh grade argument I learned that it is never good to talk behind someone’s back, especially if the desired result is not letting them find out and argue over it.  This kind of thing is a terrible excuse for shouting and using hateful words, so I now try my absolute best not to do it.  If I have some kind of issue with something specific, I will take the person aside and calmly let him know what is bothering me, and we can talk it out.  This is a much more constructive way of solving things, I have found.

Life is too short to do many things, but there is no waste of time like hatred of anyone, especially friends.  Therefore, if there is a problem with anything concerning anyone, it is best to talk it out and work it out than creating a void problem in addition to the one already present.  There is nothing this accomplishes, and it is caused by going behind a person's back.  I always try to avoid tention in any of my relationships, and if any hapens to rise anyway, it nags me until it is fixed.  I then proceed to attemp to mend the issue since it is such a waste of my life to have negative feelings toward a friend.


  1. You are very write, talking behind a friends back doesn't help the situation and often makes things worse i am very happy you guys remained friends!

  2. I know exactly how you feel! Girls always have a way of being pety and caty but once you get in a fight with your bestfriend and relize that your could lose them for good everything changes. This is a great kesson to learn.

  3. Skye and I used to get in fights all the time, about seventh grade-ish. Even though it never got so bad as to talking behind each other's backs, I would always feel so sad and desperate to fix things when we'd fight. And then again this year when you and I had our little tiff, it was the same thing. You're absolutely right about it being a waste of time to spend said time hating someone else. :)
