Friday, December 16, 2011

To Save Time is to Forget Procrastinating

When time is of the essence, work, not procrastination,
is key.  Time is of the essence.  Begin now to be safe.
Procrastination is not the answer – ever.  I am learning to do today what I would normally have put off until tomorrow.  I have to say, staying up past five-thirty in the morning doing projects is teaching me that putting them off is not good.  I was up one night last year doing a project for English.  I didn’t go to sleep until seventh period, my science class, where I was out like a light because we kind of had the day off.  My friend spent like five minutes shaking me, trying to wake me up.  I thought that part was hilarious once he was telling me about it, but I was terrified of driving home from the bus stop that afternoon.  I was fine, though.  I found out that day that I am capable of staying awake while behind the wheel, so I have no worries about that.  I did fall asleep as soon as I got home, though, and that prevented me from doing other important things I had to do.  I know the project did not even get a good grade, which is really no surprise.

It is for this reason that I know procrastinating is one of the worst ways to live life, and I try to do it as little as possible.  In school, procrastination is bad, but in the rest of life it is worse.  Though it is easy to do, I know for a fact procrastinating will lead to most undesirable results in all situations.  I know it best to quit this bad habit, and it shall be done.


  1. While it is true and wise that procratination is the downfall of many, several more thrive under last minute pressure. Howevever, a flourishing grade hardly makes up for a lack of sleep.

  2. Even though procrastination is my favorite nation, I had learned from this lesson and lived it all too many times.

  3. I have an extreme proacrastination problem. Hopefully we learn from the past and become more proactive.

  4. As much as i try to aviod it, I am guilty of procrastonation all the time. I seem to always find something that is more important to do, which is never the case. As a matter of fact, I have been procrastonating very recently(studying for exams) and reading this has made me very guilty. Being inspired by this I am going to start studying for my exams the moment i return home from school. Although it may be too late for me to help my grades, I think that this might have actually just helped me.

  5. This should really motivate me to turn off Just Dance and actually do my science homework for once. I think procrastination is something we all do in high school, though.
